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Jason Brummett

Application Coordinator


610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

As the lead for admission application processes at the Marsal Family School of Education, Jason manages both undergraduate and graduate applications. His role includes verifying and preparing application documents, acting as the key liaison between the Office of Recruitment and Admissions (ORA) and the academic programs, and coordinating admission decisions. He ensures effective application communications and implements strategies to streamline the review process. He utilizes various systems such as Salesforce CRM, M-Pathways, and Business Objects reporting to track student progress from recruitment through admission.

Jason believes highly skilled educators make a vital difference in the learning lives of students at all levels, from elementary to post-secondary, and sees teachers as true heroes in our societies. In his position, he strives to ensure that applicants have a positive application experience.

Having spent the majority of his career in the higher education environment, Jason has an extensive background in admissions and student services. Before moving to Michigan, he worked in the Office of Graduate Admissions at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Jason’s student-services-related roles at the University of Michigan include experience with graduate admissions and student records at the Rackham Graduate School and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from East Tennessee State University and a Master of Science in academic advising from Kansas State University.

Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing the clarinet in the Washtenaw Community Concert Band and the Ann Arbor Civic Band. He also enjoys reading, record collecting, film photography, movies, and attending live musical and theatrical performances.