What is MROP?
The Master’s Research Opportunity Program (MROP) offers a distinctive opportunity for master’s students that sets apart the Higher Education program at the University of Michigan. Through MROP, master’s students build analytical skills, apply classroom learning, and further important research in our field around a topic of interest to them. Initiated in 2018, MROP is now a well established program in CSHPE and provides a structured opportunity in which master’s students engage closely with a faculty member or affiliate of the Center.
MROP placements for the upcoming calendar year are announced near the end of each fall term. We encourage students with a variety of skill levels to apply, including those who have prior research experience and those for whom this would be their first exposure to sitting on an empirical research team. Participation in MROP is optional.
MROP placements are commitments for the winter term (January-April) and following fall term (September-December). Students typically earn 1.5 credits each semester, for a total of 3 credits, which are graded pass/fail. An MROP position should not exceed an average of 10 hours per week.
MROP placements vary each year, depending on faculty members’ current research and the needs of their teams. Selected examples of recent MROP projects are below.
MROP Project Examples
Mental Health and College Students of Color
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Dr. Tabbye Chavous
Project Description: Students will analyze quantitative data that has been collected as part of a multi-institutional study on mental health and college students of color. Quantitative data analysis skills required.
Evaluation of Tennessee Higher Education Policies
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Stephen DesJardins
Project Description: We are conducting evaluations of a number of postsecondary education policies that have been implemented in Tennessee in the recent past. Skills needed: Ability to work in a team environment and attend research team meetings. Meet deadlines. Conduct literature searches, clean extant data, conduct descriptive and inferential analyses using Stata, good writing skills. Have a sense of humor.
Student Outcomes of Noncredit Programs in Community Colleges
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Peter Bahr
Project Description: Noncredit educational programs account for a startlingly large portion of the education offered by community colleges, including important components of workforce education. Despite their scale and reach, however, little is known about noncredit programs or the outcomes experienced by the students enrolled in them, contributing to their characterization as “the hidden college” by Voorhees and Milam. To advance national research and policy concerning non-credit educational programs, this study will identify, secure, and analyze publicly available data on the use of noncredit programs by the nation’s community colleges and the outcomes of students enrolled in these programs.
Connect with CSHPE
Phone: (734) 764-9472
Fax: (734) 764-2510
Master's: [email protected]
Doctoral: [email protected]
610 E. University Avenue
Room 2117
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259
Office Hours
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
What is MROP?
The Master’s Research Opportunity Program (MROP) offers a distinctive opportunity for master’s students that sets apart the Higher Education program at the University of Michigan. Through MROP, master’s students build analytical skills, apply classroom learning, and further important research in our field around a topic of interest to them. Initiated in 2018, MROP is now a well established program in CSHPE and provides a structured opportunity in which master’s students engage closely with a faculty member or affiliate of the Center.
MROP placements for the upcoming calendar year are announced near the end of each fall term. We encourage students with a variety of skill levels to apply, including those who have prior research experience and those for whom this would be their first exposure to sitting on an empirical research team. Participation in MROP is optional.
MROP placements are commitments for the winter term (January-April) and following fall term (September-December). Students typically earn 1.5 credits each semester, for a total of 3 credits, which are graded pass/fail. An MROP position should not exceed an average of 10 hours per week.
MROP placements vary each year, depending on faculty members’ current research and the needs of their teams. Selected examples of recent MROP projects are below.
MROP Project Examples
Mental Health and College Students of Color
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Dr. Tabbye Chavous
Project Description: Students will analyze quantitative data that has been collected as part of a multi-institutional study on mental health and college students of color. Quantitative data analysis skills required.
Evaluation of Tennessee Higher Education Policies
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Stephen DesJardins
Project Description: We are conducting evaluations of a number of postsecondary education policies that have been implemented in Tennessee in the recent past. Skills needed: Ability to work in a team environment and attend research team meetings. Meet deadlines. Conduct literature searches, clean extant data, conduct descriptive and inferential analyses using Stata, good writing skills. Have a sense of humor.
Student Outcomes of Noncredit Programs in Community Colleges
Name of Faculty Member or Lead Researcher: Peter Bahr
Project Description: Noncredit educational programs account for a startlingly large portion of the education offered by community colleges, including important components of workforce education. Despite their scale and reach, however, little is known about noncredit programs or the outcomes experienced by the students enrolled in them, contributing to their characterization as “the hidden college” by Voorhees and Milam. To advance national research and policy concerning non-credit educational programs, this study will identify, secure, and analyze publicly available data on the use of noncredit programs by the nation’s community colleges and the outcomes of students enrolled in these programs.
Connect with CSHPE
Phone: (734) 764-9472
Fax: (734) 764-2510
Master's: [email protected]
Doctoral: [email protected]
610 E. University Avenue
Room 2117
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259
Office Hours
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.