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Course Catalog

Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 240 3 Coaching as Leading and Leading as Coaching
For many, some of the best athletic coaches provide great examples of leadership. But why? What do they do differently from leaders in other fields, and what helps them to lead effectively? We will explore the concepts of coaching (athletically and in general) and leadership; their juxtaposition and inter-relationship. We will explore coaching and leadership across various industries and platforms including sports, business, and healthcare. Our expert guest speakers will share their own philosophies and experiences. Through a series of readings, guest speakers, lectures, and small group interactions, we hope students grow in their understanding of the keys to becoming an effective leader and coach. Many, if not all of you, will be charged with coaching and leading in various capacities during your personal and professional lives (e.g. parent, coach, mentor, manager, educator, consultant, etc). Through this course, you will assess and start to develop your own coaching and leadership philosophies through theories, policies, and practices.