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The SOE establishes an online Advanced Education Technology Certificate Program

November 08, 2019

The SOE has announced a new online certificate for working teachers and administrators across the globe. The Advanced Education Technology Certificate Program (AETP) is fully web-based, and enrollees do not need to be U-M students to attend this program. This program was developed specifically for P–12 educators who are working in a school, and it is designed to support individual teachers and administrators or entire districts interested in professional development centered on education technology.


The AETP certificate is taught by clinical associate professor Liz Kolb, Educational Studies lecturer Kevin Upton, and educational technology lecturer Peter Pasque. The curriculum aligns with the Standards for Educators created by the International Society for Technology in Education, or ISTE, which offers nationally recognized standards for K–16 teaching with technology.

The SOE’s AETP program has a strong focus on pedagogy and instructional design that integrates technology tools. It teaches educators how to use educational technologies in meaningful and transformative ways. Participants will work together on developing a research-based framework with technology in learning, and they will create lessons and professional development projects around their school’s particular needs and demographics. This program is not about learning new digital tools, rather it is about learning research-informed strategies for integrating and assessing learning technologies.

The 15-week course will begin in January 2020, and program completers will receive an official University of Michigan Advanced Education Technology Certificate, 45 SCECH hours (and/or three graduate-level credits), and an affiliation with the University of Michigan global community and network. Successful participants will also create a portfolio that meets all seven ISTE Standards for Educators. The course includes 24.5 hours of asynchronous coursework and 17.5 hours of synchronous course time in regularly scheduled online meetings every other week.