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SOE and SI graduate students awarded funding through the CAI Student Academic Innovation Fund for their student-run UX@UM conference

January 02, 2022

Four first-semester SOE graduate students working with one SI graduate student were awarded $2,500 through the Center for Academic Innovation Student Academic Innovation Fund for their student-run UX@UM graduate student conference to be held at the SOE April 1-2, 2022. The CAI award recipients are the SOE's Xuechen Liu, Sydne Kasle, Melissa McCurry, and Aya Magdi Issac, along with SI student In Song Zeng.


UX@UM will be a two-day conference presented by graduate students, connecting design innovators with industry experts through user experience papers, posters, tutorial sessions, and roundtables. The conference is a platform for all graduate students to create and share their products and designs and research in the area of UX. Given a wealth of UX topics available as technology advances, the mission stems from discussing ideas, research questions, methodology, evaluation tools, etc. to pinpoint how UX designs can be applied to different areas and how UX in the future can transform design principles and revolutionize human usage and perception of technology.

Conference organizers encourage graduate students to submit proposals and/or be attendees. Undergraduates are encouraged to participate as attendees. Faculty and industry professionals are encouraged to be guest speakers, poster discussants, panel chairs, and/or attendees. Hiring managers are also invited to contact the organizers about job fair opportunities. 

Dates and Deadlines

Call for Proposals: February 1, 2022, 11:59 PM EST
Release of Conference Schedule: February 15, 2022 
Registration for non-presenters: March 1, 2022, 11:59 PM EST