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Rebecca Quintana joins Times Higher Education task force to provide recommendations for ways in which technology can support teaching innovation

May 05, 2022

In anticipation of Digital Universities Week US, task force members considered a series of questions, reflecting on their individual experiences at both research-focused institutions and a completely online university. 


“How much does discipline play a role in pedagogical innovation?” This was one such question posed to a panel convened by Times Higher Education, which included SOE adjunct lecturer and associate director of learning experience design at U-M’s Center for Academic Innovation (CAI), Rebecca Quintana.  

Quintana noted that instructors should fight the urge to lead with technology and instead focus on the interactions students have with course content, each other, and their instructor. “You might be able to support those interactions through various ways—it could be with technology, without technology, with different kinds of technology, but really keeping the focus on those interactions within the context of a subject.”

To ensure that teaching remains robust and evidence-based, Quintana spoke about the work being done at CAI to incorporate aspects of user experience design to learning experience design. “We use learner personas and learner journey maps and visualize how someone might work their way through a course.” She explained that beta testing with actual learners who are similar to those personas helps designers identify if technology is hindering progress, if it’s the interface, or if the scaffolding isn’t clear and there should be more pedagogical support.

In honor of Digital Universities Week US (May 9-12, 2022), Quintana will join fellow members of Times Higher Education’s task force to continue the discussion during a workshop on teaching innovation.

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Clinical Assistant Professor, Marsal Family School of Education