In new blog, Don Peurach reflects on academic innovation in centers, schools, and colleges at U-M
Professor Don Peurach contributed the capstone blog to the Center of Academic Innovation's "30 Blogs in 30 Days" series celebrating the launch of the Center. In his piece, “On the matter of small changes and big differences,” Peurach reflects on multiple centers of academic innovation that are emerging across the University of Michigan, and he reflects on what this means for institutionalizing academic innovation in the norms and work of the University's schools and colleges.
Peurach writes, "This is a formidable agenda, no doubt: a program of organizational development and institutional transformation running in parallel with (and in the service of) academic innovation. Yet work of this sort will be required to establish the University of Michigan — the world’s preeminent public research university — as a preeminent center of academic innovation."