Matthew Diemer and SOE doctoral students receive 2022 Faculty Diversity Research Award from U-M Department of Psychology
Each year, the Psychology Diversity Awards are given in the categories of Student Service, Student Teaching, Student Research, and Faculty Research.

Matthew Diemer, professor in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology & Educational Studies, and SOE doctoral students Michael Frisby (Educational Studies), Andres Pinedo (Combined Program in Education and Psychology), Emanuel Bardelli (ES), Erin Elliot (ES) have received the 2022 Diversity Research Award from the Department of Psychology. The Diversity Research Awards recognize the first authors of outstanding publications advancing knowledge about the diversity of human experience. Awards are granted in graduate student and faculty categories.
The team is recognized for their article, Development of the Short Critical Consciousness Scale (ShoCCS), published in the journal Applied Developmental Science.
The award recognizes research conducted by U-M Psychology faculty whose research advances knowledge about the diversity of human experience by 1) attending thoughtfully to under-studied, historically marginalized or minoritized populations, or to ethnicity, race, gender, sexual identity, or socioeconomic status; 2) developing new measures and/or methods that promise to positively impact knowledge about a diverse spectrum of people; and/or 3) using existing measures and or methods in novel ways to address issues of diversity, equity, and or inclusion.
The Psychology Diversity Committee was unanimous in their assessment of the high quality of the team’s research and its important contribution to our understanding of issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.