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Don Peurach and fellow researchers publish report for the Brookings Institution in anticipation of the UN’s Transforming Education Summit

September 15, 2022

The report explores the work of building and rebuilding education systems to support holistic student development.


Don Peurach, SOE professor of educational policy, leadership, and innovation, is one of four researchers who prepared the report “Transforming education for holistic student development: Learning from education system (re)building around the world” for the Brookings Institution. The report was published in anticipation of the United Nations’ Transforming Education Summit, which will be held on September 19, 2022 as part of the United Nations’ General Assembly meeting.

“This report explores the work of building and rebuilding education systems to support holistic student development,” write Peurach and co-authors Amanda Datnow, Vicki Park, and James P. Spillane, in a summarizing blog post for the Brookings Institution. The authors focus on two questions which they deem matters of universal concern. The first is rhetorical: “What would it mean—and what would it take—to build education systems that develop every child as would that child’s own parents?” The second, write the authors, is empirical: “Is there evidence that it is even possible to (re)build academically focused education systems to support holistic student development?” 

“Transforming education for holistic student development: Learning from education system (re)building around the world” can be downloaded in full from the Brookings Institution

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Center for Universal Education at Brookings, the report is part of a five-report series aimed at catalyzing debate and discussion about education system transformation in the global context over the next decade.

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