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Dean Elizabeth Moje speaks about the Teaching School and community development on Detroit Today

November 22, 2019

Dr. Elizabeth Moje was a guest on Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson on November 13. She discussed the School at Marygrove, the Teaching School model at Marygrove, and statewide education challenges. She highlighted the School at Marygrove’s initiatives that place children’s education at the center of community revitalization. Host Stephen Henderson called the school “one of the most interesting developments in public education in this city in a really long time.”


Moje elaborated on how the school empowers young people to be active in their own education and community. Students currently attending the school will have a voice in the school’s future development and they will shape their surrounding communities. In part, this will be achieved through place-based education. “Education will be the spark that leads the city into a whole new era, and it will be the children who do that,” she said.

Moje also highlighted the school as an example of a massive collective impact model. This means that the many players involved in the school are keeping community engagement at the center of their work. Partners include the Marygrove Conservancy, Starfish Family Services, the Detroit Public Schools Community District, the Kresge Foundation, and the School of Education. The City of Detroit is also working alongside these players when it comes to neighborhood development.

Moje answered listener questions on the radio program, and callers expressed their excitement. She emphasized that the school will educate students, but also educate future teachers, social workers, and health professionals, who will learn about serving the public as they serve students.

Other listeners called to comment on the state of education across Michigan, leading Moje to explain why she promotes a systemic approach to state school funding, educator professional development, teacher education, and reform. “We have to think of the state as a system,” she said, adding, “The time is right to do that work.”

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Dean, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research; Faculty Affiliate in Latino/a Studies, College of LSA