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Christina Weiland co-authors op-ed calling for funding a comprehensive early childhood education system 

October 08, 2021

In The Globe Post Christina Weiland makes a case for the immediate and long-term benefits of investing in early childhood education as outlined in the Build Back Better legislation. 


In a jointly authored op-ed, "It’s Time for a Comprehensive Early Childhood System, Not Another Band-Aid," University of Michigan School of Education professor Christina Weiland and the American University’s School of Public Affairs professor Taryn Morrissey argue that now is not the time for legislators to balk at the cost of funding comprehensive early childhood education.

"The [Build Back Better] bill’s price tag represents economic infrastructure investments in child care that would jointly allow parents to get back to work and educate America’s future workforce. Handwringing about the bill’s cost obscures the fact that these funds are a critical investment in the current economy and the future of our nation," Weiland and Morrissey write. 

They go on to note that fifty years ago President Nixon vetoed a bill that would have put an early childhood education system in place. The country has suffered deeply since. We cannot, they write, afford to miss out again. "​​Our parents, children, and teachers need our lawmakers to fund the high-quality, consistent, and comprehensive early care and education system that all American families deserve."

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Professor, Marsal Family School of Education