Anne Ruggles Gere recognized as a Distinguished Fellow by the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum
The award recognizes distinguished scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of WAC through scholarship, service, and/or achievement.

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) and the WAC Clearinghouse have inducted Anne Ruggles Gere as a Distinguished Fellow, an award which will continue beyond the year in which it was given. The organization sponsors awards that recognize contributions to the WAC community through scholarship, service, and achievement.
Gere’s nomination cited her many leadership positions in the field of writing studies, as well as her scholarly contributions and mentoring of doctoral students who have gone on to make meaningful contributions to WAC themselves.
“Before stepping down in 2019, Dr. Gere developed and directed the Sweetland Center for Writing, a comprehensive, cross-curricular center that not only oversees the first-year and cross-college advanced writing requirements and the writing minor but also serves students and faculty across the university through a writing tutoring center, a writing fellows program, specialized support for multilingual and international students, and a cross-disciplinary faculty-facing Fellows Seminar offering consultations, workshops, and funding for research on writing,” reads her letter of nomination.
Two additional Sweetland Center faculty development initiatives were also cited among Gere’s contributions to the field—MWrite, which assists instructors in implementing writing-to-learn pedagogies in large introductory lecture courses across the curriculum, and the Topics in Writing Podcast which features hour-long conversations with leaders in writing studies.