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Empowered Learning Virtual Design Jam

Nov 12, 2020
5:30–7:30 p.m.
Event Contact
Candice Stegink
Event Contact's Email
Event Contact's Phone

(508) 320-4854

The James A. Kelly Learning Levers Prize is an innovation competition based in the School of Education that is designed to challenge students to invent digital tools with the potential to significantly improve student learning.

Join education experts and mentors in this Design Jam where we'll be sharing data from local educators on challenges they face in promoting student learning in a virtual environment. We will interpret the data, form actionable insights, and come up with ideas to empower student learning in unprecedented times.

We will apply a design framework to come up with practical solutions. By the end of the jam, you will have identified and ideated a potential solution that can be further developed for use in the James A. Kelly Learning Levers Prize and other innovation competitions. This will also be a chance to network with students and educators from diverse disciplines.

Sponsored by the James A. Kelly Learning Levers Prize

Click here to register: https://forms.gle/H2ajJ2Ua8Y1icuF78.