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Course Catalog

Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 220 3 Coaching for Today's Society
Coaching for Today's Society is a course designed to aid students in reaching people where they currently are. You will not be a successful coach if you do not know and understand your audience. In order to be effective when reaching out to your audience you must be able to paint a picture or create a shared vision that resonates with your audience on all sensory levels. During this course we will identify and discuss the basic tenets associated with our targeted groups from same age/similar thought processes to multi-generational influencers (Boomers). Coaching in the broad sense deals with basic interpersonal skill sets to help you build a solid foundation however understanding how to coach in today's complex society goes beyond the foundation. We will identify and discuss the roles of family/life experiences, cultural nuances and how social norms play in helping or inhibiting us from connecting with people whether at the high school level, college level or in the workforce. At the end of the course you will feel confident working with diverse groups of people in any given setting.