Educational Studies
2020 ES Graduates
Reading of ES Graduate Names
Master of Arts in Educational Studies
December 2019
May 2020
August 2020
Master of Science in Educational Studies
August 2020
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
December 2019
Amber Schultz Bismack
Bachelor of Arts, Michigan State University; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
Content Knowledge for Teaching Science: A Longitudinal Study of Novice Elementary Teachers' Knowledge Development in a Practice-Based Teacher Education Program and School Contexts
Chair: Elizabeth Davis
Peter McCormick Cipparone
Bachelor of Arts, Brown University; Master of Arts, Lesley University
Engaging with Others' Ideas: A Study of Discussions Across Subject Areas in a 5th Grade Classroom
Chair: Chauncey Monte-Sano
May 2020
John-Carlos Marino
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Washington University in St. Louis; Master of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Elementary Students' Coordination of Claims and Evidence in Science and History
Chair: Elizabath Davis
Ann E Blais
Bachelor of Arts, Harvard University and Radcliffe; Master of Arts, Teacher's College, Columbia University
Reading with Others in Mind: What Are the Content Knowledge Demands of Teaching the Reading of Literature?
Co-chairs: Chandra Alston and Deborah Ball
Kathleen M Easley
Bachelor of Arts Knox College; Master of Arts, Teachers College Columbia University
Simulations and Sensemaking in Elementary Project-Based Learning
Chair: Annemarie Palincsar
Amber Tenille Willis
Bachelor of Science, Oakwood University; Master of Science, Nova Southeastern University
Confronting and Changing Racialized Patterns of Not-Seeing Black Children: Narrowing the Gap between Observation and the Work of Teaching Mathematics in the Context of Practice Based Professional Development
Chair: Deborah Ball
Katie Revelle
Bachelor of Arts, Middlebury College; Master of Science in Education, University of Pennsylvania
Opportunity and Challenges Within Project-Based Learning: An Exploration of Integrated Civics and Literacy Instruction in Diverse Third Grade Classrooms
Co-chairs: Nell Duke and Chauncey Monte-Sano
JoeyLynn Selling
Bachelor of Science, Northern Michigan University; Master of Arts in Education, Northern Michigan University
Leveraging Current Instructional Practices to Achieve Disciplinary Literacy in a Fifth Grade Classroom
Chair: Mary Schleppegrell
Megan Johnson
Bachelor of Arts, Albion College; Master of Public Administration, Western Michigan University.
Family Interactions with an Early Childhood Network
Chair: Pamela Moss
Kolby Gadd
Bachelor of Science Education, Utah Valley University; Master of Arts, Brigham Young University
Class Size and Instruction: The Relationship in Early Elementary School in the United States
Chair: Deborah Ball
August 2020
Nick Muehling
Bachelor of Arts, University of Toledo; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
Teacher Practices that Foster Students' Meaning-Making of Literature
Chair: Elizabeth Moje
Anne Elizabeth Reinish
Bachelor of Arts, Amherst College; Master of Education, Harvard University
What Would It Take? Understanding the "What" and the "How" of Educational Infrastructure for Ambitious Instruction in Low-Income Schools
Co-chairs: Donald Peurach and David Cohen
Minh Quang Huynh
Bachelor of Science, University of Dalat; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
Education Equity in the Global Context: Insights from an International Organization
Co-chairs: David Cohen and Mary Schleppegrell
Ebony Perouse-Harvey
Bachelor of Arts, Fordham University; Master of Arts, American University; Juris Doctor, Hofstra University
Speaking Up for ALL Kids: Developing Pre-service General Education Teachers as Advocates through Critical Coursework and Simulated IEP Meetings
Chair: Chandra Alston
Mollee Schultz
Bachelor of Arts, Whitman College; Master of Science, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obsido
The Rationality of College Mathematics Instructors: The Choice to Use Inquiry-Oriented Instruction
Chair: Pat Herbst